Ok, I've filed the interesting stuff (with a bit more thought into some of it) as #3188-#3193 (and a couple of bonus bug reports!) -Tom On 11 Sep 2014, at 18:58, 'George Nachman' via iterm2-discuss wrote: Thanks for the suggestions, Tom. I think those are all good ideas. Would you mind filing separate bugs for each? My bug queue has exploded lately so it may be a while before I get around to it. On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 11:18 PM, Tom Feist wrote: HeyOops, I meant to reply earlier and then forgot. Some things I've been thinking about since updating to the more recent branches. Michael Garrett 26/9/2014, 11:53 น.
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I’m having a problem with the applescript change. I launch my iTerm sessions almost exclusively from applescripts and have for years. The problem I see is, in short, I can’t get George’s sample script (provided below in this email thread) to even run. I get a Syntax Error: 'Expected end of line, etc. But found class name.' On the 3rd line of the file. It highlights this word on line 3: create window with default profile Sorry if this is a simple or silly problem.
I’m not new to applescript, but I’m also definitely not an expert in it either. The example looked like it should work, and when it didn’t, I couldn’t figure out why. Help if you can. Mike, What's the complete script that you're running?
Georgian Scripts Wikipedia
The following works ok (with current nightly) for me (directly from Applescript Editor): - tell application 'iTerm2' create window with default profile end tell - As does: $ osascript -e 'tell application 'iTerm2' to create window with default profile' I seem to recall at some point in the past that sometimes after installing new releases of iterm, applescripts and the 'open' command would launch the older version if I hadn't nuked it completely. You might check if you have any other versions lying around, or if in Applescript Editor - menu - Open Dictionary dialog you see more than 1 iTerm(2) listed.
Or it's something else entirely:) Applescript is weird like that. Cheers, Tom Michael Garrett 26/9/2014, 12:16 น. I think that might be related, although honestly I don't know enough about the guts of how applescript/events actually decide who/what/where to dispatch. I believe it has something to do with LaunchServices, and there are things out there for querying/resetting that database (lsregister), but I'd be wary of suggesting you mess with them without a better understanding of their role (and, that you have good/recent backups!) `lsappinfo' seems to have some interesting info about what LS thinks is running, and might give you some insight.
If you haven't already, restarting your machine might conceivably help if there's some cache built in memory or at boot. Otherwise, I'm out of ideas I'm afraid.Tom Michael Garrett 26/9/2014, 13:14 น. Mike, I have the same problems when i open up Dictionaries i see only iTerm.app. Now a while back i've raised an issue and George replied with Unfortunately I can't change the dock icon without breaking auto-update because /Applications/iTerm.app would need to be renamed. And that you can confirm with the output of ps -ef grep Term /Applications/iTerm.app/Contents/MacOS/iTerm2 I'm still working through to get the Shuttle ssh app working again following the changes HTH, Dani Michael Garrett 29/9/2014, 8:46 น. On Sep 26, 2014, at 4:14 PM, Michael Garrett wrote: I rebooted just now to see if that made things better. “iTerm2” still automatically switches back to “iTerm” after the reboot.
I think that indicator tells me that it isn’t working properly, or that I am not seeing George’s changes. If anyone else has an idea, please send it my way. Thanks Tom for the help.Mike On Sep 26, 2014, at 3:54 PM, Tom Feist wrote: I think that might be related, although honestly I don't know enough about the guts of how applescript/events actually decide who/what/where to dispatch. I believe it has something to do with LaunchServices, and there are things out there for querying/resetting that database (lsregister), but I'd be wary of suggesting you mess with them without a better understanding of their role (and, that you have good/recent backups!) `lsappinfo' seems to have some interesting info about what LS thinks is running, and might give you some insight. If you haven't already, restarting your machine might conceivably help if there's some cache built in memory or at boot. Otherwise, I'm out of ideas I'm afraid.Tom On 26 Sep 2014, at 20:20, Michael Garrett wrote: Maybe I spoke too soon and 'other versions' aren't ruled out. When I pasted your 3 line script in: tell application 'iTerm2' create window with default profile end tell It worked.
But, I didn't notice that it changed the iTerm2 back to iTerm. Does that mean that I have an old version hanging around that is messing with me? -Mike On Sep 26, 2014, at 3:16 PM, Michael Garrett wrote: I copied and pasted the example from George's (Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 11:07 PM) email below starting with 'tell iTerm2' and ending with the last 'end tell'. Was that just pseudo code? If so, I am very embarrassed. Your 3 line script works for me which I think rules all other 'other versions' things out.Mike - You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 'iterm2-discuss' group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to. For more options, visit. George Nachman 5/10/2014, 15:36 น.
There are an infinite number of reasons. From the starter page1: You may need Python if you want to:. Automate a repetitive task in Rhino much faster than you could do. manually Perform tasks in Rhino or Grasshopper that you don’t. normally have access to in the standard set of Rhino commands or.
Grasshopper components Generate geometry using algorithms Many many. other things. It is a programming language after all. Since you make guitars (awesome guitars btw!) you could draw fret lines on a fingerboard with the following script for example (over simplified): import math import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs scalelength = 25.5 numberoffrets = 24 #calculate f = lambda n: scalelength - (scalelength / math.pow(2, (n/12))) fretx = f(n) for n in range(0,numberoffrets) #draw rs.AddLine((0,0,0),(0,3,0)) #nut for x in fretx: rs.AddLine((x,0,0),(x,3,0)) #frets Alain 1. Decibelguitars: May I ask what kinds of things you’re writing scripts for? Much of my scriptwriting is making custom tools for Rhino that go beyond what is natively available. A few examples are:.
Specific object type/characteristic selection (by length, area, volume, etc.). Import/Export tools for various purposes, geo data processing, batch import or export of dozens or hundreds of files, export stl’s with specifc settings, etc. Multiple object processing - offset, copy to points, etc.
Boundary trimming, multiple splitting with hundreds to thousands of curves. Bounding box based alignment tools. etc –Mitch.
I’m not sure this is any better than the post I just deleted but here it goes Your scripts can reside anywhere but if they are not on the search path they can’t be imported by other scripts. One current limitation is that the python search path is not configurable. That means you can’t import modules that are not under: /Users/NAME/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/Scripts or not in the directory or a subdirectory of the file you’re currently running. Subdirectories need to have a init.py file so they are recognised as modules.
Let’s say your working directory is /py. Ex: cd /py mkdir mylib cd mylib touch init.py # create empty file echo 'def doit: print 'doit' myscript.py #simple script you can now import your module from a script that’s in /py. Ex: import mylib.myscript as s s.doit If your library is in a directory that is not under a search path you can create a link to it from /Users/NAME/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/Scripts. If in the previous example the mylib directory is somewhere that’s not on the path you’d do something like this: mkdir /somepath/mylib cd /Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/Scripts ln -s /somepath/mylib mylib # link The example script: import mylib.myscript as s s.doit would still work. Being able to configure the search path is important and we’ll add it sooner than later but in the meantime I hope this workaround is useful.
I installed the Atom thing, and have noticed the bit of having to CD in terminal before launching atom to get my scripts to show up. Will move them to application support for now as others have mentioned. I’m noticing the autocomplete is VERY picky and if there’s so much as a missed Uppercase vs lowercase character the code won’t run. (for example the example wouldn’t run when typed, but only after I copied it wholesale from the web page). The whole reason I dived into it was in wanting to get Thomas Anagnostou’s bad assed gear plug in to run under the mac rhino.
While a coder, I’m not at all fluent in Python, and barely cognizant of VB (which Thomas’s script was done in). I started attempting to translate the VB version over to Python with all the obvious stuff (changing comment format, losing the VB DIMs, nuking the end ifs and changing elseif’s to elif’s etc) but still have quite a ways to go and I’m pretty sure my edits to the lengthy select case stuff in the VB code have more than probably jacked up the indentation in python thus breaking havoc on the logic in the process. If anybody who’s python savvy wants to have a go at porting the gear script, I’d be thrilled to have a running version. The download link to the original script is here: cheers. I just updated to Autocomplete plus 2.80 - is that too far along?
Said 2.7.1 I like the auto-update system from inside Atom In answer to this question from Mitch, I recall that you were asking for some central way to manage your scripts so if you’re testing this I’d like to know if you can get what you need by doing what’s described here or here. I will try to set up my Mac script links now - haven’t had time before, but at least we have a long weekend now I’ll surely have some questions, being almost entirely Mac-illiterate. Helvetosaur: I just updated to Autocomplete plus 2.80 - is that too far along? Said 2.7.1 heh they must of updated that within the past 4 hours as i went to the latest 2.7.1 this morning. I haven’t tried it yet but i’m writing python today i’ll update soon and report back if i find anything is broken. EDIT after a very quick go at 2.8, everything still appears to be properly working with rhino the one thing i noticed is it’s not honoring my ‘Maximum Visible Suggestions’ preference mine is set to 10 but it’s showing the long list instead i may just need to?